November 27, 2014 – The biggest save in Darren Chadwick’s career may very well have been for the opposing team. Chadwick is a goalie in a Nanaimo, British Columbia, recreational hockey league. After hearing commotion from across the ice during a game, he hopped the boards to the opposing team bench to find 34-year-old Kelly Reagh on the ground with no pulse. Armed with 20 years of first aid experience, Chadwick began CPR. Another player ran to retrieve the nearby AED. Between the CPR and two shocks from the AED Plus®, the young husband and father was breathing within 5 minutes, by the time emergency personnel arrived on the scene.
For Reagh’s wife, Ali, her husband is the luckiest guy in the world. For Chadwick, it is the biggest save of his career. Reagh is now undergoing tests at a nearby hospital to determine the underlying health issue, but the outlook is positive.
City of Nanaimo arenas manager Darcie Osborne said the city’s AED program has been “hugely successful.” Nanaimo invested in AEDs in 2008, and the devices have helped save lives six of the seven times they have been used.
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